الــــنــادي الـدولــــي الـــكويــــتــي لـــلســــيـارات
Kuwait International Automobile Club (KIAC)
About Us

Established in 1956 Kuwait International Automobile Club (KIAC), known locally as the KT Club, has been involved in mobility services offering its members and clients a wide range of services concerning inland travel and tourism.  As a member club of the AIT/FIA Customs Network and authorized by the General traffic Department and the General Customs Department, KIAC issues Carnet De Passages en Douane (CPD) according to the International Conventions on Temporary Importation of Vehicles of 1954 and 1956. KIAC is also authorized to issue International Driving Permits and International Certificates for Automobiles.

Also as a member of the International Road Transport Union (IRU), KIAC is the only entity in Kuwait authorized to issue TIR Carnets according to the International TIR Convention for Transit Goods.   

KIAC is also the sole representative of Kuwait in the FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE DE L’AUTOMOBILE (FIA), the international governing body of motor sports. The club joined the FIA in 1967 and since then it has become the national sporting authority for motor sports in the Kuwait.

KIAC started organizing motor sports events in Kuwait since the early 70’s with the first event held in the parking area of Al-Qadeseya sporting club. The club introduced Rally competitions in Kuwait and was one of the founding clubs of the prestigious FIA Middle East Rally Championship. The Kuwait round of the FIA Middle East Rally Championship continued to be either organized or supervised by the club.

KIAC also joined the FEDERATION INTERNATIONAL DE MOTOCYCLISM (FIM) in 1981 and became the only official representative of Kuwait in this prestigious federation and the holder of the National Sporting Authority for motorcycling sports in Kuwait. The club either organize or supervise motorcycle sports events in Kuwait specially Motocross.

The responsibility of the club is to insure that motor sports events are organized and run in a safe and fair manner in accordance with the regulations laid down by the FIA and the FIM.

Board Members